How can I measure call center agents' unavailable and "not ready" time?

Find out how to measure call center agents' unavailable and not ready time in this expert tip and get a formula for calculating unavailable time in your call center.

Is there a key performance indicator (KPI) for "not ready time"? How can I calculate this metric – for example, for an agent who is required to be available eight hours to answer calls?

Most call center and call routing systems provide measurements for the time a representative is signed into the system and "not ready" to take a call, as well as the overall time they are logged onto the system to handle calls. Most systems allow the agent to indicate and the system to track at least a basic degree of the reason for not being ready to take calls to distinguish call wrap-up time versus unavailable for other reasons.

There is no general rule or calculation to determine what is an acceptable or a target KPI – for unavailable for wrap-up or other reasons. The amount of time allowed is specific to your center's needs. It is not uncommon to see the unavailable time targets for non wrap-up in the 4% -- 8% range. The metric is usually calculated as a percentage of signed on time.

Example of unavailable time calculation:

<8 Hour Shift - 2 x15 Min Breaks - 1x 30 Min Meal = 420 Total Available Minutes (100%). An unavailable time target of 5% would allow for 21 minutes of unscheduled time away from the phones.

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